Johann-Georg-Christian Perlberg (1806 – 1884)
Council of War, 1836
Oil on canvas, 71 cm x 50 cm
© The Thanassis and Marina Martinos Collection
A group of warriors is sitting in front of the fire.
Everyone is skeptical, as the oldest of them narrates the difficulties of their life, which is filled with struggle and sacrifice. The warrior seems to be narrating a battle that was lost.
Demonstrates the human side of fighters, and captures their camaraderie and daily habits, away from the battle.
One of them is playing music, the other is smoking, and the rest of them are paying close attention to the conversation.
Heroes are people too!
They get afraid, tired, timid, frustrated, but they continue to fight.
The Hero’s goal is greater than the obstacles along the way.
What is your goal, or your dream?
Which Hero would you choose as a companion in your adventures?
→ The painting’s atmosphere.
How do you think these heroes feel, seeing the expression on their faces?
What do you think are they discussing?
→ On ancient pots, Gods were represented with human characteristics? Ancient writers describe Gods as having human weaknesses.
Can you think why they did that?
→ What does camaraderie mean to you?
→ What can you achieve alone, and what can you achieve with friends?