George-Philip Reinagle (1802 – 1835)
The Naval Battle of Navarino, 1829
Oil on canvas, 92 cm x 150 cm
© The Thanassis and Marina Martinos Collection
The Great Powers of the era, Britain, France and Russia, allied in favor of the Greek struggle and defeated the Turkish-Egyptian fleet off Pylos.
The naval Battle of Navarino is the decisive military event that led to the liberation of the Greeks.
Has created a scene of the naval battle, where the burning ship, covered in thick black smoke, the stormy sea and the shipwrecked people trying to escape, compose a dramatic image.
An Everyday Heroic Act is to be able to decide, together, on things that concern us all!
Did you know that, together, we can achieve greater goals?
In your classroom, along with your classmates, you can form an alliance for a good cause:
– For the environment
– For human rights
– For world hunger
– For…
Take a large piece of paper and all together, as a team, write down the ways in which you can make the world a better place, in one of the above areas.
→ Find more information about the Battle of Navarino.
→ How many countries participated in the naval battle?
• In whose waters did the naval battle take place?
A) Greece
B) The Ottoman Empire
C) Italy
→ Different types of warships of that era.
What does the word “alliance” mean?