A. Jacquème (Active in mid-19th century)
The Departure of the Volunteer, 1837
Oil on canvas, 90 cm x 112 cm
© The Thanassis and Marina Martinos Collection
We are looking at a scene, where the young independence fighter, leaving for the war, is saying goodbye to his family.
With his right hand, he is holding the banner of the Revolution and, with his left hand, he is holding his sword.
His comrades-in-arms are waiting for him outside their door, with their weapons.
In this composition, the artist has painted the protagonists standing close to each other, demonstrating strong family ties and the family’s support of the young warrior’s decision to participate in the revolution.
The title of the project refers to the voluntary departure of the fighter going to war.
Today, there are volunteers fighting for the environment, human rights and other causes!
Can you think of current issues that need to be addressed by volunteers from around the world?
→ That in ancient Greece, before leaving for battle, it was customary for the family to say goodbye to the warrior with a ceremony, during which the mother poured a libation and the father handed over his weapons to his son?
→ Can you find pots from antiquity, representing this scene?
→ Today, are there any reasons that make people leave the warmth of their home?